Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blog Moved

I've merged this and two other blogs of mine into a single blog called Mind Patches, which you'll find at the following link:


The theory is that I will be able to update a single blog much more frequently than I could each of the individual ones. You'll still find a lot of posts about language in the new place, but the emphasis is different.

In the meantime, I'll leave all my old Plain Egglish posts here as an archive because, even though I no longer update this blog, a lot of traffic still finds its way here each month.

The all-time most popular posts from the Plain Egglish archive:

1. Prepositions: OVER vs. ABOVE

2. Articles: A vs. AN and THE vs. THE

3. Comparatives: CURIOUSER vs. MORE CURIOUS

4. How many is A LOT?

5. Prepositions and time: BY vs. UNTIL

6. Weirdness with plurals

7. The grammar of mass and count nouns

8. Pronunciation: WORK vs. WALK

9. Adjectives: BORED vs. BORING

10. On falling apples and whether tomatoes really are fruit

And my least popular post:

Uses of the simple present tense

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